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VStorage Reference

In the Agoric platform, VStorage is a key-value store that:

  • provides a read-only interface where clients of the consensus layer can query the stored data using specific paths.
  • is organized in a hierarchical, path-based structure. Clients can query these paths to retrieve the data. For example:
$ agd query vstorage keys 'published.vaultFactory.managers.manager0.vaults'
- vault0
  • can be written through a specialized API called chainStorage from within the JavaScript VM.

vstorage query diagram

VStorage Hierarchy

VStorage is structured as a tree with paths and nodes that store the actual data. This design facilitates easy querying while ensuring data consistency and security.

For example, here is an example of Inter Protocol key structure inside Agoric:

- published
    - vaultFactory
        - governance
        - metrics
        - managers
            - manager0
                - metrics
                - governance
                - vaults
                    - vault0

You can then use this hierarchy to access the data fragments.

# lists vaults
$ agd query vstorage keys 'published.vaultFactory.managers.manager0.vaults'
- vault0

For more information on agd, you can refer to the documentation for query command in agd CLI.

VStorage with CLI

VStorage can be accessed via CLI using:

$ agd [--node {url}] query vstorage {path}

For example:

$ agd query vstorage path published.agoricNames
- brand
- installation
- instance

With Agoric CLI, you can also use follow command to support vstorage query along with some of the marshalling conventions discussed below:

$ agoric follow -lF :published.agoricNames.brand
    slotToVal("board0566","Alleged: BLD brand"),
    slotToVal("board0257","Alleged: IST brand"),

VStorage Protobuf Service Definition

The protobuf definition of vstorage is agoric.vstorage.Query package.

service Query {
  // Return an arbitrary vstorage datum.
  rpc Data(QueryDataRequest) returns (QueryDataResponse) {
    option (google.api.http).get = "/agoric/vstorage/data/{path}";

  // Return the children of a given vstorage path.
  rpc Children(QueryChildrenRequest)
    returns (QueryChildrenResponse) {
      option (google.api.http).get = "/agoric/vstorage/children/{path}";

VStorage chainStorage API

chainStorage API offers write-access to VStorage for contracts, by connecting to a subscriber to a chainStorage node.

While adding Adding Parameter Governance to a Contract, storageNode and marshaller are passed to the contract in its privateArgs so it can publish to chainStorage.

const marshaller = await E(board).getPublishingMarshaller();
const storageNode = await E(chainStorage).makeChildNode(contractName);
const installation = await E(zoe).startInstance(
  privateArgs: harden({

The chainStorage node corresponds to the published key in the vstorage hierarchy. Using E(chainStorage).makeChildNode(contractName) gives the contract access to write to the published.{contractName} key and all keys under it. To understand more on Marshaller and chainStorage Node, please refer to documentation on Publishing to chainStorage

VStorage Viewer

To visualize the current state of VStorage, The vstorage-viewer contributed by p2p is often very handy:

vstorage viewer screenshot

DApp UI and VStorage

As mentioned above, VStorage offers clients an access to data from contracts, including dApp UI. For detail tutorial on tools and libraries available for this connection is available here.

Common VStorage Examples

vstorage: top level keys

The published and bundles keys are the most relevant to dapp development.

      activityhash: 'historical',
      beansOwing: 'swingset execution fee accounting',
      bundles: 'MsgInstallBundle outcome',
      egress: 'reserved for future use',
      highPrioritySenders: 'a priority mechanism',
      mailbox: 'reserved for future use',
      published: 'for the chainStorage API; see below',

vstorage: published.* keys

The following keys appear under published. see also Inter Protocol data.

      agoricNames: 'name service controlled by chain governance',
      auction: 'see Inter Protocol',
      boardAux: 'auxiliary data for brands etc. keyed by boardId (since #49 2023-09-21)',
      committees: 'see Inter Protocol',
      crabble: 'reserved by chain governance proposal #64 decided 2023-12-18',
      kread: 'reserved by chain governance proposal #53 decided 2023-10-01',
      priceFeed: 'see Inter Protocol',
      provisionPool: 'provideds initial IST during smart wallet provisioning',
      psm: 'see Inter Protocol',
      reserve: 'see Inter Protocol',
      vaultFactory: 'see Inter Protocol',
      wallet: 'smart wallet status',

vstorage: agoricNames hubs

agoricNames contains several other NameHubs. See also agoricNames.

['brand', 'installation', 'instance', 'issuer', 'oracleBrand', 'vbankAsset'];

vstorage: well known contracts

published.agoricNames.installation contains Installations representing code of important contracts. The data at this key are the entries of the NameHub. Here we show the object comprised of those entries. See also agoricNames in vstorage regarding un-marshalling the data using board IDs.

      VaultFactory: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board05815 {},
      auctioneer: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board04016 {},
      binaryVoteCounter: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board02314 {},
      centralSupply: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board0188 {},
      committee: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board00613 {},
      contractGovernor: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board02810 {},
      econCommitteeCharter: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board01422 {},
      feeDistributor: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board00917 {},
      kreadCommitteeCharter: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board01679 {},
      kreadKit: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board04980 {},
      mintHolder: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board02733 {},
      priceAggregator: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board02021 {},
      provisionPool: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board05311 {},
      psm: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board05432 {},
      reserve: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board00218 {},
      scaledPriceAuthority: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board04719 {},
      walletFactory: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board04312 {},

published.agoricNames.instance contains instances of important contracts. The data at this key are the entries of the NameHub. Here we show the object comprised of those entries.

published.agoricNames.instance contains instances of important contracts. The data at this key are the entries of the NameHub. Here we show the object comprised of those entries.

      'ATOM-USD price feed': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board02963 {},
      Crabble: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board04395 {},
      CrabbleCommittee: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board02393 {},
      CrabbleGovernor: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board05396 {},
      VaultFactory: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board00360 {},
      VaultFactoryGovernor: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board03773 {},
      auctioneer: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board01759 {},
      econCommitteeCharter: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board04661 {},
      economicCommittee: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board04149 {},
      feeDistributor: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board05262 {},
      kread: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board04783 {},
      kreadCommittee: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board01985 {},
      kreadCommitteeCharter: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board06284 {},
      provisionPool: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board01664 {},
      'psm-IST-DAI_axl': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board01867 {},
      'psm-IST-DAI_grv': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board02568 {},
      'psm-IST-USDC_axl': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board05669 {},
      'psm-IST-USDC_grv': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board05970 {},
      'psm-IST-USDT_axl': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board02271 {},
      'psm-IST-USDT_grv': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board01272 {},
      reserve: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board06458 {},
      reserveGovernor: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board03365 {},
      'scaledPriceAuthority-stATOM': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board05892 {},
      'stATOM-USD price feed': Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board04091 {},
      walletFactory: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board06366 {},

vstorage: well-known assets

published.agoricNames.issuer has Issuers of well-known assets.

      ATOM: Object @Alleged: ATOM issuer#board02656 {},
      BLD: Object @Alleged: BLD issuer#board0592 {},
      DAI_axl: Object @Alleged: DAI_axl issuer#board02437 {},
      DAI_grv: Object @Alleged: DAI_grv issuer#board05039 {},
      IST: Object @Alleged: IST issuer#board0223 {},
      Invitation: Object @Alleged: Zoe Invitation issuer#board0371 {},
      KREAdCHARACTER: Object @Alleged: KREAdCHARACTER issuer#board01386 {},
      KREAdITEM: Object @Alleged: KREAdITEM issuer#board03687 {},
      USDC_axl: Object @Alleged: USDC_axl issuer#board05141 {},
      USDC_grv: Object @Alleged: USDC_grv issuer#board00443 {},
      USDT_axl: Object @Alleged: USDT_axl issuer#board06445 {},
      USDT_grv: Object @Alleged: USDT_grv issuer#board01547 {},
      stATOM: Object @Alleged: stATOM issuer#board00689 {},

published.agoricNames.brand has the well-known Brands.

      ATOM: Object @Alleged: ATOM brand#board05557 {},
      BLD: Object @Alleged: BLD brand#board0566 {},
      DAI_axl: Object @Alleged: DAI_axl brand#board05736 {},
      DAI_grv: Object @Alleged: DAI_grv brand#board03138 {},
      IST: Object @Alleged: IST brand#board0257 {},
      Invitation: Object @Alleged: Zoe Invitation brand#board0074 {},
      KREAdCHARACTER: Object @Alleged: KREAdCHARACTER brand#board03281 {},
      KREAdITEM: Object @Alleged: KREAdITEM brand#board00282 {},
      USDC_axl: Object @Alleged: USDC_axl brand#board03040 {},
      USDC_grv: Object @Alleged: USDC_grv brand#board04542 {},
      USDT_axl: Object @Alleged: USDT_axl brand#board01744 {},
      USDT_grv: Object @Alleged: USDT_grv brand#board03446 {},
      stATOM: Object @Alleged: stATOM brand#board00990 {},
      timer: Object @Alleged: timerBrand#board0425 {},

published.agoricNames.oracleBrand has the well-known oracle brands.

      ATOM: Object @Alleged: Brand#board03935 {},
      USD: Object @Alleged: Brand#board01034 {},
      stATOM: Object @Alleged: Brand#board04388 {},

published.agoricNames.vbankAsset shows denoms registered with the vbank.

      'ibc/42225F147137DDEB5FEF0F1D0A92F2AD57557AFA2C4D6F30B21E0D983001C002': {
        brand: Object @Alleged: stATOM brand#board00990 {},
        denom: 'ibc/42225F147137DDEB5FEF0F1D0A92F2AD57557AFA2C4D6F30B21E0D983001C002',
        displayInfo: {
          assetKind: 'nat',
          decimalPlaces: 6,
        issuer: Object @Alleged: stATOM issuer#board00689 {},
        issuerName: 'stATOM',
        proposedName: 'stATOM',
      'ibc/BA313C4A19DFBF943586C0387E6B11286F9E416B4DD27574E6909CABE0E342FA': {
        brand: Object @Alleged: ATOM brand#board05557 {},
        denom: 'ibc/BA313C4A19DFBF943586C0387E6B11286F9E416B4DD27574E6909CABE0E342FA',
        displayInfo: {
          assetKind: 'nat',
          decimalPlaces: 6,
        issuer: Object @Alleged: ATOM issuer#board02656 {},
        issuerName: 'ATOM',
        proposedName: 'ATOM',
      ubld: {
        brand: Object @Alleged: BLD brand#board0566 {},
        denom: 'ubld',
        displayInfo: {
          assetKind: 'nat',
          decimalPlaces: 6,
        issuer: Object @Alleged: BLD issuer#board0592 {},
        issuerName: 'BLD',
        proposedName: 'Agoric staking token',
      uist: {
        brand: Object @Alleged: IST brand#board0257 {},
        denom: 'uist',
        displayInfo: {
          assetKind: 'nat',
          decimalPlaces: 6,
        issuer: Object @Alleged: IST issuer#board0223 {},
        issuerName: 'IST',
        proposedName: 'Agoric stable token',


The keys under published.boardAux are board IDs. Here we show a handful.

['board00282', 'board0074', 'board01744'];

The data are auxiliary info about objects in the board; for example, displayInfo of brands, including assetKind.

      board0074: {
        allegedName: 'Zoe Invitation',
        displayInfo: {
          assetKind: 'set',
      board01744: {
        allegedName: 'USDT_axl',
        displayInfo: {
          assetKind: 'nat',
          decimalPlaces: 6,

vstorage: provisionPool

published.provisionPool.governance gives current values of governed params. See similar data in Inter Protocol data.

      current: {
        Electorate: {
          type: 'invitation',
          value: {
            brand: Object @Alleged: Zoe Invitation brand#board0074 {},
            value: [
                description: 'questionPoser',
                handle: Object @Alleged: InvitationHandle#board00848 {},
                installation: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board00613 {},
                instance: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#board04149 {},
        PerAccountInitialAmount: {
          type: 'amount',
          value: {
            brand: Object @Alleged: IST brand#board0257 {},
            value: 250000n,


      totalMintedConverted: {
        brand: Object @Alleged: IST brand#board0257 {},
        value: 20000000n,
      totalMintedProvided: {
        brand: Object @Alleged: IST brand#board0257 {},
        value: 2750000n,
      walletsProvisioned: 11n,

vstorage: wallet

The address of each provisioned smart wallet is a key under published.wallet. Here we show a handful. See also: Smart Wallet VStorage Topics


The .current child has current wallet status. For example:

      liveOffers: [],
      offerToPublicSubscriberPaths: [],
      offerToUsedInvitation: [],
      purses: [
          balance: {
            brand: Object @Alleged: Zoe Invitation brand#board0074 {},
            value: [
                description: 'Voter0',
                handle: Object @Alleged: InvitationHandle#null {},
                installation: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board00613 {},
                instance: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#null {},
                description: 'charter member invitation',
                handle: Object @Alleged: InvitationHandle#null {},
                installation: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board01679 {},
                instance: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#null {},
          brand: Object @Alleged: Zoe Invitation brand#board0074 {},

The published.wallet.${address} key has wallet's last update. For example:

      currentAmount: {
        brand: Object @Alleged: Zoe Invitation brand#board0074 {},
        value: [
            description: 'Voter0',
            handle: Object @Alleged: InvitationHandle#null {},
            installation: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board00613 {},
            instance: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#null {},
            description: 'charter member invitation',
            handle: Object @Alleged: InvitationHandle#null {},
            installation: Object @Alleged: BundleIDInstallation#board01679 {},
            instance: Object @Alleged: InstanceHandle#null {},
      updated: 'balance',

See also: